It started as a gimmick: what can we come do to get more attention to Rämmen? The smallest tourist office in Sweden is now a fact! And … it’s in the front yard of our holiday home!
Ok, it’s not more than just a roof, a desk, and some brochures. We still had to officially agree for its installation though, since the ‘building’ is within 1.5 meters of our property. Yet the village really benefits from it, and you as a potential resident of the school as well.
Not only can you find information in the ‘tourist information office’ about things to do in the area, arrange a fishing pass, or plan your visit to the Herrgård. The building has been opened by the provincial director of Värmland. This statesman can not of course travel over a bumpy road to his appointment. For this opening they paved the way to Rämmen again: and we all benefit from that!